Monday, September 6, 2010

Ready to POP!

Here I am 36 weeks pregnant and ready to POP!
Thanks again Tiffany for taking these.
It's the first time I've taken maternity pictures and I'm so glad I did!
Even though I feel like I look less than stellar.
This is mostly for me, but here's a little run down on this pregnancy.
1. Tired, oh so tired at the beginning and the end. The middle I felt totally good. Didn't need a nap everyday or want to hit the sack by 8pm.
2. I was sick at the end of the day which was a good thing since I had to function: get kids off to school and babysit 2 toddlers.
3. Started showing around 4 months. Which was the same with Kylee.
4. Started out weighing less, but the pants I wore when I was pregnant with Kylee didn't fit the same. Must be because I'm 5 years older this go round!
5. Had to buy all new shirts since I was pregnant in the winter last time and the summer this time.
6. Had to buy my first maternity swim suit.
7. My lower back on my left side hurts bad! Sometimes up my shoulder blades. My ribs on my left side are really sore.
8. This baby kicks down low. Sometimes I feel fingers tickling my leg.
9. Couldn't drink my beloved QT drinks for several months.
10. Pretty much could eat whatever I wanted. My other kids I couldn't eat any meat. Everytime I eat grapes I throw them up.
11.  LOVE going to the pool to float. It's the only time my back doesn't ache.
12. My right foot swells.
13. My skin didn't break out like a 14 year old girl.
14. Still no stretch marks on my belly.
15. I pee my pants every time I cough, sneeze or puke. It's lovely.
All in all, it's been a pretty good pregnancy.
I thought being pregnant in this AZ summer heat would be torture, but it wasn't as bad as I anticipated.
Hangin' by the pool and keeping my AC at 78 degrees was a lifesaver.
As soon as it started getting really humid like the middle of Aug was when it started getting icky.
It's hard to breath when you're huge and it's humid outside.
I'm due in 3 weeks and I'm so ready!


*Katie May* said...

You look great and I love the silhouette picture with the az sunset! I loved how you put things that you have experienced that will be fun for the little one to read someday :)

Dehner Family said...

You look great! I can't wait to find out what you're having. Enjoy your next few weeks with only two - three is kind of crazy :)

Travis and Tyra Russell said...

Kasey you look beautiful! I am so excited for you! Hope all goes well!

Kurt & Shawn said...

I think you look cute!!!!

Becca Bingham said...

No stretch marks! I'm jealous! Good luck with the next three weeks and even more after that!

The Garlock's said...

Glad you like them, to bad wally world had to be lame and not let you get them developed, sorry!

Dayton and Candice said...

Lookin' good lady!! And I really love the sunset picture!! I won't lie i'm chopping on the bit to hear what this baby is!! And yes reading your list of pregnancy woes was deja vu--It seems just like yesterday....oh wait it kinda was!1 Hang in there, your alomost there...and don't you go early? So here's to having a healthy baby sooner than later :)

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