Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Oldies, but Goodies

These cute little kicks were Kylee's.
I love them just as much today as I did 5.5years ago.
I remember registering for them before my baby shower and was so happy that I got them as one of my gifts.
And babies playing with the door stop never gets old!
It's one of her favorite toys.
Girl knows what she wants and can get herself there.
Yep, she's officially a crawler.
Nothing is safe from her anymore.


Becca Bingham said...

I totally went to comment on your phone post and you must of deleted it! But I loved the story, maybe you'll repost it soon! Cute girl either way!

Kasey said...

Wow! You were quick! I'll repost it tomorrow. I wanted this one up first and couldn't figure out how to do that without deleting and then reposting. So, I saved it and will post it again.

Susan said...

Wow your baseboards look so clean! I am jealous! And cute baby too!! It almost makes me a little baby hungry!