Monday, May 9, 2011

2 Items of Business

 Rocky got me a new camera for Mother's Day!
This is the first pic I took.
She's cute, but she's fast!
She was already trying to get it from me.
But look at that pic!!!
Crystal clear!
Now, it's not the fancy spancy nice pro Nikon or Cannon.
It's a Sony Cyber-shot with a 7x optical zoom, video, and
14.1 megapixels.
I'm thrilled with my new toy!
And look at my garden.
I see green.
(cilantro and green onions on the far left, roma tomatoes and
green bell peppers in the middle, and curly green lettuce on the right)
Only time will tell if I produce anything eatable.

1 comment:

*Katie May* said...

Great mothers day gift. Gardens looking good!