Friday, July 8, 2011

9 Months

Just when I think she can't get any cuter I capture this.
Isn't she eatable?!?!!
Rocky is convinced she should be the next Gerber baby.
He may be a little biased.
But can you blame him?
She's cute....and super sassy!
She is now 9 months old.
Time is officially flying!!!!
Her 9 month stats are as follows:
Weight: 18ish pounds
Height: 27.5 inches
This past month she:
♥ squats then stands alone
♥ decided sitting in the baby float in the pool wasn't so bad
♥ LOVES to play in moms shower
♥ sleeps 7ish to 7ish
♥ 2 naps a day, 2ish hours each
♥ 8 ounce bottle 3-4 times a day
♥ baby oatmeal, applesauce and sweet potatoes 2-3 times a day
♥ LOVES to stand in the high chair while eating
♥ twists out of straps when strapped in
♥ prefers to sleep in own bed
♥ holds and drinks from a sippy cup
♥ 2nd bottom tooth finally popped in
It took almost a month to bust in
♥ moved into 9-12 month clothes
♥ hits in the face
♥ giggles, smiles, laughs
♥ Quick, quick, quick!


*Katie May* said...

Such a sweet dollie!

Celeste Caldwell said...

Seriously I just want to smooch her. She is sooo stinkin cute!! I love how you always call her a sass. Maybe her and Hadley can be sassy friends :o)

Tiffany + Drew said...

Can't believe she is already standing! She is so big now... guess it's time to have another one, lol!

Becca Bingham said...

Wow she's already ready to walk at 9 months crazy!

Jenn Fort Haderlie said...

it seems like you just had her!! CUTIE!

Lacey T said...

Miss Thang needs to grow! My boys were 18 pounds by 2 months! Also, school needs to start back up so I have a good excuse to watch her! Well, I guess I don't really need one...