Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sunsplash Baby!

My brother and SIL Tiffany came for a visit from Texas.
We headed out to Sunsplash and had a blast.
3 of the 5 siblings.
Shawna, me, and Drewby

 My little turds.
 I love Kam's squishy face!
 Skye and Nixon boy lovin' on each other.
 All the homies chillaxin!
 My attempt at a cute girlie picture.
 Don't you just want to take a bite out of those leggs?!?! 
 On a mission for the bottle!
 Todd the master of all the fun slides!
Thx Uncle homie for taking him.

Nixon was the master of his own slide.
It was such a fun afternoon of swimin', sliding, tubing, and hanging out with Drewby, Stiffy and Nixon Boy.
So sad they're not here to hang with us everyday.


*Katie May* said...

How fun! I haven't been there forever!

Dehner Family said...

Looks exciting! I have been a terrible commenter later, but I do love your updates!! I can't believe your kids already started school. No fair, I'm jealous :)

Dehner Family said...

I meant lately, not later... (I've been a terrible commenter lately.) Sorry.

Heidi said...

I triple checked my phone.. totally didn't see the invite :)

Kasey said...

Heidi, I called the house phone. Check that one. ;) LOL

Tiffany + Drew said...

Good times! Glad we got to go, it was so fun seeing everyone!