Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas Morning

These kids must have been really good this year
because Santa hooked them up Phat!
 Todd got a DS and a 1500 piece lego set!
Kylee got a "girl" bike and a helmet.
(She's been riding what we call the "Red Speed Racer" bike that was Todd's since Uncle Troy backed over her bike with his car when we were camping. Oops!)

Kamber got a Cozy Car Coupe.
She LOVES it!
If you even look like you're gonna get in it she runs over and gets in.
Most of the time through the window!

 "Thanks Santa!"
More binkies!

New shirts!

 A cute girl!
(Could she be any cuter?!?!?)

Matching Pillow Pets and comfy blankets.

We are our traditional hash browns for Breakfast.
Rocky was hoping to break this tradition for waffles, but the waffle maker he bought me didn't work.
But the kids didn't mind.

It was a really good Christmas!
All smiles.
All day.


*Katie May* said...

Looks like a succesful Christmas :) happy New Year!

Becca Bingham said...

I love pictures of kiddos having just woken up with their crazy hair and tired eyes on Christmas morning! So fun!