Sunday, September 4, 2011

Month 10 and 11

Totally slacked on 10 month stats.
But it's my blog and I'm sure no one keeps up with it anymore.
FB is way more cool I guess...
One day I'm turning this bad boy into a book, so I need to keep up.
 10 month stats:
Weight: 19 pounds
Height: 27 3/4 inches
This month Kamber got big!
She decided walking was way more cool than crawling.
She's been my earliest sitter upper, crawler and now walker.
Some other things:
likes 2 more flavors of baby food---
pears and squash & fruit and oatmeal.
♥ 8 oz bottle 3 to 4 times a day
♥ two 2-3 hour naps a day---9ish and then 2ish
♥ loves the binky still. At bed time she holds it in her hand till she done with her bottle and then pops it in.
♥ learned to climb on the couch, on the chairs, on the stools, in the cabinets.
♥ tries to stand in the stroller, the shopping cart and the high chair. Strapping her in does no good because she twists out of them.

11Month Stats:
Weight: 20 pounds
Height: 28 inches
♥ learned to give kisses er french kisses
♥ says night night night
♥ 8 oz bottle 3-4 times a day
♥ two 2 to 3 hour naps 9ish and 2ish
♥ baby food and apple sauce 3 times a day
♥ loves little pieces of starburts---works wonders on Sunday during sacrament meeting ;)
♥ learned to climb out of the crib---she fell out the other day
♥ wants to cuddle and I love it
♥  likes looking at books
I hate that she's growing so fast.
She has quite the personality.
And boy is she a busy one!
Into everything.
I seriously don't remember my other kids being into so much.
Maybe it's been so long I forgot...
We are loving every minute of her, especially her
sweet huge open mouth smiles.
She's a year old next month and I'm so not ready for that!

1 comment:

Jenn Fort Haderlie said...

i check your blog ALL the time!! glad to know theres a few bloggers left out there!