Sunday, September 11, 2011

Selfish Minutes

For our Enrichment Activity for Relief Society we are doing a
 get-to-know you game.
We asked several ladies what they would do if they had 30 selfish minutes in their day to do something they love to do just for them.
I started thinking about the things I would do that I never get to do.
The first thing on my list is to read in a nice warm bubble bath.
Next on my list is scrapbook!
So, on Friday I took some time just for me and went to a
 2 hour class by myself.
I made 3 cute spreads of Kamber's first 3 months of life.
I remembered how much I love scrapbooking and how I wish I had more time to indulge in my hobby.
So I signed up to go once a month for the next 3 months.
I'm so excited to get her first year done and be
selfish do something I love to do!
It was a really good 2 hours and I think my pages
turned out really cute!
Now I want to know what you would do if you had 30 selfish minutes to do something just for you.


Becca Bingham said...

First of all, those pages are so cute! If I truly could choose anything to do for my selfish moments it would be to go home! Even for 30 minutes once a month would be awesome to tie me over until the summer time! Guess I'll just have to be grateful for skype!

Tiffany + Drew said...

30 min... hmmm I need more like 30 hrs to get everything in I want to lol Oh how I miss my craft room and being able to craft and scrapbook... Someday someday..

Lisa said...

Watch something made by the BBC. And eat something made with sugar, cocoa, and peanutbutter.

Unknown said...

I would watch a chick flick....if I only had thirty minutes, I would fast forward to all the best parts. :-)