Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter Sunday

The Easter Bunny hid the kids baskets.
I wanted to record them finding them, but...
the big kids decided to get Kamber up, go downstairs, where they found their baskets and then came and woke us up to tell us the Easter Bunny came!
Sometimes you just go with it, right?
They all got jammies, the big kids got kites and more candy then they needed.


and ready for church.

 Kamber ran over to this bike rack and it turned out to be a cute pic with all the kids.
It was also her first official day in nursery.
She's gone in twice before just the 3rd hour and did great.
This was no exception.
I kept trying to call her name so I could get a pic of her first day, and she wouldn't even turn around.
She had a ball!
I'm so thankful for my little family and for our Savior who made it possible for us to be together forever.
Happy Easter!


*Katie May* said...

Such cute kids! Love your family picture!

Becca Bingham said...

Very cute! Love how the kids took care of it all on their own! :)

Heidi said...

super duper cute!!

BLStradling said...

What a sweet family you have!