In the media, there has been so much talk about how uneducated, and ridiculous it is that one would choose full-time motherhood over a career.
I chose being a stay-at-home mom because I wanted to raise my children.
I had a good job and a career that I loved before I had Todd 9 years ago.
I took one look at him and knew that my place was with him.
As much as I loved what I was doing before, I loved being home with him more.
And then I had Kylee.
I was in love more than ever and as I weighed my options as our expenses grew, I knew that being at home was more important than anything.
I ended up going back to school to get my teaching degree when Kylee was 1.
I finished when she was 5.
When I didn't pass my teachers certification test several times I knew I had my answer...It was not my time to re-enter the work force and leave my kiddos, even though they'd be in school full-time.
It was time to have another baby, and along came Kamber.
Sometimes I think of how different things may have been had I passed that test and possibly could have gotten a job.
I was quite content with my life at this point and finishing my degree was another chapter I was excited to start.
As a teacher, there are so many lives I knew I would touch.
Lives I could help change for the better.
But then I realized I have my own children's lives to change and touch and that alone is more important to me.
When I see the toothy smile of my sweet Kamber I am so thankful for that unanswered prayer.
Without that, our lives could have been so very different.
Every family must do what is best for them.
This is what is best for us.
So, to those who scrutinize stay-at-home moms, please don't.
We have a super hard job and get paid in slobbery kisses, millions of messes a day, and smudged hand prints on the doors.
I hesitate to ever write things that might cause a fuss or someone might take the wrong way.
I don't ever want to offend, or hurt any feelings.
Every family situation is different.
For us, this is our choice and it doesn't make me any less than a mom who chose a career.
Some moms have to work to help support their household.
And I support that.
Just don't say I'm less than a career women because of the choice I made to be just a stay-at-home mom.
I am so much more than that.
Well put!! I think it's the hardest adnmost important job!
Very nicely said!
Kasey, I couldn't agree more! I think most of the stay-at-home mothers that I know are very educated and intelligent. And quite honestly, anyone can go to college and have a career. But, I know first handed that not everyone can stay at home and be a full time mom. I know there is no more important job that raising and instilling good values in your children.
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